As we go through out our lives we are constantly recording moments of joy. Be it by a picture or a note, we love to record that which gives us a memory of happiness. Since humanity conceived ways of recording thought and visuals, we have create mountains of data, be it cave drawings to Zettabytes on magnetic disk and quartz crystal. The evolution of our memory keeping has expanded exponentially as our technology and progress. In this new era of digital, where slowly we have gone from a few thousand devices that could take digital pictures 20 years ago to over 500 million, the progress is staggering. As we progress in our endeavor to record our personal moments we slowly gather a new profile on our own lives. Thirty years ago the archiving of images was done strictly by analog. Only a small group used digital and for military or other. Now we in the developed world have a camera, slowly in a few years the whole world will have cameras, and the ability to store those memories for a low cost. That new level of memory is something new to humanity. This creates a more accountable society. Where every action can and will be recorded. Now with open proof of governments recording their own citizens people can get a more clear understanding on what is happening. In the next coming years we will reach new heights in data management and data archiving that will explode even more progress in saving our lives to digital.
We are entering the life storage age, where your entire life will be recorded, and you will be able to play back memories on the fly. This is just a few decades away. With quantum computing already showing progress we will take Moore’s Law and pass it to the next level of hyper progress. Once man and machine start working together. The interconnections, how we build memories will be different. A memory is thought as a point of view of the individual. In the future it will be shared. Experiences will be shares just like pictures are today. Today we record with our smart phones photos and video, tomorrow we will share actual events from our point of view, with sight sound and smell as well as tactile feeling of the moment. Opening humanity to a whole new journey into the discovery of self. By being able to share beyond human, we will create an incredible awakening in the humanity. Pushing the real next generation of human to be more pacifists, more empathic, more enlighten.